Local Rules
To be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf.
Notes and Player Information
BUGGY DRIVERS: Please take your sand bucket when walking to the ball.
CART 90 DEGREE RULE: Use cart path until level with ball then drive directly to ball.
DISTANCE MARKERS: Grass trees and black post markers are 135 metres to the centre of the putting green.
PIN FLAGS: Red-Front, Blue-Centre, Yellow-Rear.
PRACTICE RANGE FACILITIES: The whole of the practice facility to the west of the pro shop, generally defined by the area inside the cart paths, is a no play zone.
3rd & 17th HOLES: All motorised buggies are to remain on the cart path.
2nd & 17th HOLE DAMS: Are red penalty areas and defined by the edge of the of the closely mown grass along the rock embankment.
19th HOLE: A red penalty area is defined by the edge of the closely mown grass along the edge of the sandy waste area near the putting green.
WASTELAND BETWEEN THE 12th & 14th HOLES: This area is a general area and not a penalty area. No carts are to be driven in the sand filled area.
BUSHLAND BETWEEN THE 12th, 13th & 14th HOLES: This area is identified by red stakes and is a red penalty area.
BUNKERS: Rakes are to be placed in the base of bunkers with the handle pointing back towards the teeing area.
MOBILE PHONES: Permitted on course but ringtone must be on silent and used in a discretionary manner so as not to disturb other golfers nor interfere with the pace of play.
EMERGENCY SIREN PROCEDURES: A suspension of will be signalled by one (1) prolonged note of the siren. Players must stop play at once. All other suspensions will be signalled by three (3) consecutive notes of the siren, where players may complete the hole that they are playing. In either case, resumption of play will be signalled by two (2) short notes of the siren. In all instances, players must proceed under Rule 5.7b, failure to comply may result in disqualification.
Red – red penalty area
White with black top – out of bounds
White – ground under repair (optional)
Orange – dropping zone (optional)
White with green top – no play zone.
Local Rules
OUT OF BOUNDS: (Rules 2 and 18) Those areas beyond (a) a line between the white stakes with black tops to the right of the 9th hole, (b) the low concrete wall and timber fence to the right of the 10th hole, and (c) the concrete path marked with painted black and white lines behind the 9th green, including the practice green, clubhouse and pro shop areas also defined with black and white painted lines. When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed under the stroke and distance Local Rule for a penalty of two strokes, rather than proceeding under stroke and distance, unless otherwise noted in the Conditions of Play for an event. This Local Rule is also not available if a provisional ball has been played. See Local Rules Board and Conditions of Play for full details.
IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: (Rule 16) All artificial objects on the course that cannot be moved are immovable obstructions, including but not restricted to; fixed sprinkler heads, protective netting, advertising signs, irrigation control boxes, drainage grates, seats, rubbish bins, ball washers, sand containers/bins, steps into bunkers, rocks mounted with course signage, all rock boulder walls, sand stone blocks and 135 metre distance markers (including grass trees and surrounds). Red stakes identifying red penalty areas, orange stakes identifying dropping zones and any cart path with an artificial surface are also immovable obstructions. Where an immovable obstruction interferes with a player’s stance or area of intended swing the ball may be lifted without penalty and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 16.1.
STAKED TREES: Where a staked or guarded tree (or grass tree distance marker) interferes with a player’s stance or area of intended swing the ball must be lifted without penalty and dropped in accordance with the no play zone procedure prescribed in Rule 16.1f. Tree stakes and guards are immovable obstructions.+
NO PLAY ZONE (NPZ) (Rule 2.4): Those areas defined by white stakes with green tops and/or white lines and/or NPZ signs. The whole of the practice facility inside the edge of the cart paths to the west of the pro shop. Ornamental garden beds as defined by white stakes with green tops and/or NPZ signs. All other garden beds are integral parts of the course. Where a player’s ball comes to rest in a NPZ or the player’s stance is on the NPZ the ball must be lifted without penalty and dropped in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Rule 16.1f.
WHEEL MARKS and WATER EROSION RUTS IN BUNKERS: Where a player’s ball is on any well-defined machinery or vehicle wheel mark in the general area or water erosion ruts in a bunker the ball may be treated as lying in ground under repair and the ball may be lifted without penalty and dropped in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Rule 16.1b and 16.1c. Interference does not exist if the wheel marks only interfere with the player’s stance.
DROPPING ZONES: When a player is using a dropping zone, the ball must be dropped in the dropping zone and it must come to rest in the dropping zone that is an area within one club-length of the orange peg. Orange pegs are immovable obstructions.
OVERHEAD WIRES (Including Power Pylons or Poles): Should a player’s ball strike any overhead wire/telephone wire and/or pylon/pole; the ball must be replayed without penalty.
EXPOSED TREE ROOTS: If a player’s ball is in the general area and there is interference to the ball’s position from exposed tree roots that are in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, or in the rough within 2 club- lengths of the edge of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the tree roots are treated as ground under repair. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. Interference does not exist if the tree roots only interfere with the player’s stance.
SPRINKLER HEADS CLOSE TO PUTTING GREENS – Line of Play interference. Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to a putting green. In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is: on the players line of play and is within two club-lengths of the putting green and is within two club-lengths of the ball. (Exception – There is no free relief under this Local Rule if a player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.)
SCORING RESPONSIBILITIES (Rule 3.3): Rule 3.3b(2) is modified in this way: If a player returns a scorecard without the hole scores being certified either by the player, the marker or both, the player gets the general penalty. The penalty applies to the last hole of the player’s round.
PENALTY FOR BREACH OF LOCAL RULE: Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty: Match Play – Loss of Hole. Stroke Play – 2 stroke penalty.
NOTE: Where necessary, these Local Rules supersede any on the printed scorecard.